A home-based business that serves your soul

We’ve heard a lot of people say that you first have to love and understand yourself, and only then can you love and understand others in your life.

The importance of this principle was confirmed this weekend on StartupNation Radio. We interviewed Julie and during the show, we uncovered a lot about her brand-spankin-new fashion cuff business and her ambitions, but one of the most interesting points was the comment Julie made about WHY she started up her business at home.

She did it because, in her words, "I needed to do something for Julie!" Can you relate?

She talked about how busy life gets and how lost you can get in the mix of raising and running a family. To nourish herself, Julie created a home business. It’s HER THING! And you could just hear in her voice how fulfilling it’s been – even though it’s only a few months into the endeavor.

Interestingly enough, she went on to describe how everyone in her family is now pitching in. Her daughter is helping with fashion decisions. Her son is scheming about billboards that advertise her products, etc.

It seems as though the moment Julie started making herself a priority, a lot of positive things started clicking into place at home.

Any of you notice how making yourself #1 works for you? Or how a business you can call your own has brought out positive personal results far beyond financial???

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