Club Entrepreneur – The Power of a Network

No matter what business you’re in, whether it be eBay, a restaurant, a magazine, or really any business in the world, you need to network with other entrepreneurs to help you become successful!

Last night, we held our second monthly meeting for Club Entrepreneur, a rapidly expanding organization that encourages the free exchange of ideas and resources, of which I am the current President.

I’m bringing this up for a very specific reason (I’ll get there in a moment…)

During the meeting, our featured speakers, Sloan Brothers, founders of were fielding questions from our audience of 150 or so local entrepreneurs.

One very nice woman named Joanne Rainey (who I had never met before in my life) stood up during the Q&A session and said "I just have to do a plug for Corey’s book eBay Millionaire or Bust. I read it and it is fantastic! It helped me so much with my eBay business and thought everyone should know!"

As you can imagine, I was smiling. Believe it or not, this was a major moment for me. Given that I just recently released eBay Millionaire or Bust and ProfitBuilder Software, I had never to this point in time run in to a perfect stranger who had been helped significantly by the eBay system that I created.

I was so moved by Joanne’s enthusiasm that I offered to consult with Joanne for free. I’m eager for the challenge to see how much extra money I can earn Joanne with my suggestions and guidance!

Point being, you never know who you are going to meet, and how the people you network with can dramatically change your life and your business. Without places like Club Entrepreneur and the Institute for Entrepreneurship, I would never have gotten to level of success I’m at today.

Club Entrepreneur will be expanding all over the U.S., but in the meantime, if you aren’t in Arizona, there are significant resources available for you to network right here on A forum has been started to give you a starting point.

Network away!

Corey Kossack is one of eBay’s “top sellers” through his eBay store, Koss DVD. He is also author of eBay Millionaire or Bust and creator of ProfitBuilder software that maximizes profits for eBay sellers.

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