License to Play Dorky Music in Public? I”m There!

If you have been reading my blog, you probably recall that my husband and I are entertaining the possibility of moving to North Carolina. We are currently in New England. I’m really excited, but I’m also really nervous about transitioning my business if this does in fact happen.

Right now, I am home-based and my kitchen – although separate from our family kitchen, is residential. I love the convenience this affords me! I am able to hop down here and work whenever I need to, and my kids are always nearby. We even have a Playstation 2 and DVD player in the adjoining room so I can keep an eye on the boys when I‘m working. They are only 5 and 2, so it’s not like they can just wander around our house unattended.  If we move, I will need to get a non-residential kitchen, so I won’t have the convenience of home any more. This is a huge step! I’ve been hoping to open a store for as long as I can remember, but I also don’t want my sons growing up in the back of a store, or in a warehouse.

I guess when we visit this summer, I can get a better idea of what is down there for alternatives. I think my ideal scenario would be to purchase a small house with a few acres on a main road, pray for a building permit and the right zoning, and build a big, fat country store. I really think I could be successful at this! I’d keep my business going in the background, but I’d be able to sell other stuff like tea and gourmet jam and BBQ sauces and penny candy! I’ve always dreamt of having my own old-time general store. I could play the Ames Brothers and Jim Reeves in the background – and nobody would make fun of me! (Right, Joel?)

So that’s what’s on my mind today. That, and getting my orders out on time.

Here’s today’s tip….
Did you know that you can get things cheaper on eBay due to other people’s bad spelling? There are a couple of cool tools for this. Just type in the correct word of what you want to search for, and these sites will look for all sorts of misspellings and bring you to your search right on eBay! It’s pure genius, and I’ve snagged a few nice deals on office equipment as a result. Happy buying! Here are some links:

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