More encouraging signs – consumer confidence soars, says study

You may recall my post, The beginning of the end … of the bad economy, last month. Based on the April Consumer Confidence Index, things appeared to have turned the corner and people’s confidence seemed to start to return.

Good news. The positive turn in consumer outlook appears to now be a positive trend in conumser outlook.

According to the study publishers, the May Consumer Confidence Index is at its highest point in eight months, up sharply from April.

There’s a lot of pain left for a lot of people for a long while as a result of this economy. But knowing that this recession has been equal parts financial realities and financial fear, this jolt of confidence among consumers is a very encouraging sign that America’s feeling better and business may soon be back in gear.

Smart entrepreneurs watch leading indicators closely to get a sense of timing, when to be conservative and when to be aggressive. Hope the study provides some insights for you so you’re poised for success.

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