Business Exit Strategy

Startup Business Idea : Moving It Along

Startup business idea stuck in neutral? How about some tips for moving your new business idea along.

A light bulb goes off. Beads of perspiration roll down your forehead and your heart races. Creativity and passion take over as you scamper to jot down some notes on your cocktail napkin. Does this sound familiar? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re always looking for the next big startup business idea. It’s this drive and ambition that lead to great business success. However, if you’re not focused on your goals, you can spread your resources too thin and get way ahead of yourself.

We should know. As young adults trying to make ends meet, we got the “big idea” to market juggling balls. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?! But until we came along, juggling balls were sold through toy stores to kids. We noticed this and saw an opportunity to pursue a niche. We decided to target our juggling kit to a very specific and untapped market – stress relief for executives.

Many people doubted our concept, but it worked. The product, called “More Balls than Most”, packaged in a handsome leatherette box, was picked up by every major department store in the nation! We transformed a 4,000-year-old pastime into one of the best selling Father’s Day gifts of 1993 because we focused on the specific niche of stress relief. From that position of strength, credibility and momentum, we were able to introduce a variety of other products at different price points to various retail outlets. We were off and running.

Moving your startup business idea along – create a solid plan

To help you realize your top business priorities, we highly suggest that you start with a good, solid business planning effort. That will be the natural place for you to apply your focus. The right plan will enable you to prioritize and to be judicious with your precious resources. Maintain the discipline to complete each step outlined in your plan before moving on to the next project.

Business planning software can make setting up your plan easier.

Also on How to Write a Business Plan

Get rid of the clutter

When running your business, time, money and creative energy are precious, limited resources, so you really need to be disciplined. Get rid of the clutter and focus on your most promising objectives to help move your startup business idea along.

Follow your instincts

Focus is a matter of defining your business goals, knowing what you want and following your instincts. Just ask Lavetta Willis, president and CEO of the multi-million-dollar Dada Footwear product line. With her origins in marketing to street ball fanatics, she knew what to focus on, won celebrity product endorsements, and now goes toe-to-toe with the big brand players like Nike. “As obstacles and distractions come your way, you have to stay true to your goal,” Willis states. “You have to know at the end of the day what you should be doing. You have to be able to evaluate what’s a distraction and what’s really on your path. Sometimes it’s just a matter of taking some quiet time to meditate and listen to your gut instinct,” states Willis. “You have to know what you feel in your heart.”

We’ve learned it, Lavetta Willis has learned it, and nearly all of the successful entrepreneurs we interview on our radio show confirm: Focusing your mind and energy is truly one of the keys to success in moving a startup business idea along. So as you go about pursuing your business ambitions, make sure you know when to ditch the hocus pocus and FOCUS!

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