This Year, It’s Turkey Tandoori-Style

Well folks, next week is my favorite holiday. I love the family time, I love the non-material/inclusive nature of the holiday, and of course, I love the food.

But there’s one thing I love more: Inspiring people to start and grow successful businesses.

That’s why I passionately accepted an invitation from Franchise India, Asia’s largest small business publisher and coordinator for entrepreneurship events, to chair their conference on entrepreneurship this year and to share all that I can about American style entrepreneurship, what works, what doesn’t, how to do it, why to do it, and who it’s for.

Yes, that’s me you see through the dust on that billboard.

The two-day event spans November 28-29 and will be host to an international audience of people wishing to catch the spark of business ownership and successful business growth. While you’re eating turkey with cranberry sauce, I’ll be scrambling for a Tandoori variation on a theme wherever I can find it!

Here’s the event website.

Yes, the global economy is going to belly smack in the months ahead, and the sting may not go away for a while, but one thing is for sure: Entrepreneurship will not slow. In fact, we believe it will speed up. As more and more people are turned away from large employers, they will have to turn to themselves.

And the beauty is, it’s easier than ever to do so. The tools–websites, software, devices, etc.–are there. The culture is there. In fact, working for yourself and working from home are “in”. The outsourcing resources–accountants, web designers, virtual assistants, etc.–are there. Entrepreneurship is tee’d up like never before.

StartupNation community members – the people who LIVE THE DREAM every day – I promise to take your spirit with me to inspire your peers in India and TURN THEM ON to what’s possible. And don’t be surprised if you start seeing a groundswell of them probing for help in our entrepreneur forums in the near future.

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