Bad Business Practice

Just venting about a bad business practice…

There are all sorts of business practices that don't make sense, and here's one minor, but very annoying one to illustrate the point: Price or info labels that are adhered to the product you buy and don't come off without ripping and leaving tears of backing and stickiness behind.

Three recent examples for me (from this weekend):

1) Refrigerator my wife and i just bought – bar code label on stainless steel front… impossible to peel off in one piece, residue and white "underpaper" left on front of frig.

2) Stove we just bought – huge sticker about installation warnings on oven glass window. peeled off a small portion and the rest was hopeless.

3) Dress socks i bought – sticker on socks was so sticky, it immediately raised fuzz on the socks where i pulled the sticker off.

I'm beginning to think that Goo-B-Gone is actually the manufacturer of the adhesives being used for these stickers/labels!
It's a conspiracy!

And don't the manufacturers/sellers of these products realize what a pain in the butt it is to get these stickers off and that it creates a TERRIBLE first impression as a new product owner? Isn't it obvious?!

I think all industries should take a cue from the beer manufacturers. Have you noticed how easy it is to peel the label off a cold bottle of beer???

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