Sales Pitch

How’s That New Year’s Resolution Going?

Work on business goals instead

If you go to the gym, you may have noticed that there are less people there than the first week of January, and classes have dwindled down to the “regulars” once again… it seems like many “fitness” resolutions fizzled out.

Big surprise. This happens every year.

What about you?

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution about your business?

How’s it going?

If it’s not going well, don’t worry. You are not alone. Most people don’t keep their resolutions long.  Instead, I have a suggestion.

Why not make a very simple goal each day? These goals can add up to an overall goal, or they can stand on their own.

After all, how are you going to get from Point A to Point B if you don’t know what Point B is?

With this in mind, here are some simple, business goals you can set and accomplish without too much angst!

Simple Goals to Skyrocket Sales this Year

1. Check All Copy.

All of the content, or copy, you present is important. It gives potential customers information about your business and helps them decide whether or not they want to buy your products and services.

…so how old is your content?

Set aside a few hours and read all of the key copy your company has out there. This may include your Website, e-mails, newsletters, press releases, blogs, social media posts, tip sheets, reports, etc.

Then, ask yourself.

•    If you are a good writer, can you update the content yourself?
Great. Set some time aside and do it.

•    If you aren’t a good writer and/or you have better things to do with your time, who can write your copy for you?

Conduct some research and find an intern, college student, freelancer, or trained SEO copywriter. Just remember… you get what you pay for.

Good content may sound simple, but when it comes to sales, it can mean the difference between success and failure.

2. Review Your Team.

When was the last time you reviewed your team members and what they are doing?

Are they helping you increase sales, improve credibility, provide value, etc.? If not, it’s time for a team meeting to review goals, and processes – and give a pep talk!

Now, if you don’t have any team members;

•    Find people to help you with administrative tasks and other activities that don’t involve your core, business responsibilities. Then, you can focus on your key functions and what you do best.
•    Let the people you hire do their work independently and check on their progress regularly. You’ll get more accomplished and see productivity and sales increase.

Anyone Can Accomplish Simple Goals

Ok. That’s two, simple goals that any business owner can do. Once you complete them, move on to two more goals, and continue this process.

By setting small goals and reviewing your progress, you’ll see a significant difference in the growth of your business. It’s time to stop being frustrated by New Year’s resolutions and actually accomplish goals that will make you, and your business, more successful.

Let me know how it goes. Now, I’m off to check on my daily goals…

Do you need help organizing your content to boost sales? Please contact me below or at

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