Are you willing to pay for online subscriptions?

The internet is free. Most of the time. And that is a problem for paid subscription based companies.

My fellow blogger, Joel, hit a nerve with many of you when he asked, "Do you have time to read the newspaper?"

If you are one of the people who said you don’t, you are not alone. This article claims the internet is the biggest problem facing newspapers today.

The Christian Science Monitor seems to be adopting the old adage "If you can’t beat them, join them."

But I find myself resentful when I’m online and I can’t get to the information because I have to sign up. And generally, if there is a paid subscription involved, I just move on and try to find something available for free.

It’s not always the money. And I realize that companies need to make money in order to provide services. I just don’t want to spend the day filling in forms. I may want a single piece of information once in a while, but I don’t need anymore daily e-mails clogging up my inbox. I can’t get to all the personal e-mails I need to review each day.

Sometimes I think I would like to stop getting all the magazines and papers I do subscribe to too. I spend at least ten minutes a week throwing them away!!

How about you? Are you ready for a paperless society? Are you willing to pay for online subscriptions, or will you seek out free information instead?Are you ready for a paperless society? Are you willing to pay for online subscriptions, or will you seek out free information instead?

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