
My mom died exactly 4 years ago today. She is the sweetest lady I have ever known. Now, after four years, I can think about her and not remember so much the 4-year cancer battle or the way her body failed her those last months. I remember her vibrant, smiling, lovely countenance. My mom, the president of her senior class in college, the May Queen as a teenager, loving wife to my father for 44 years, died on May Day 2002. She was the best Mom anyone could ever have.

The way she lived her life, embracing every single day and truly treating it as a very special gift, is an inspiration for me on those days when I’m focused solely on myself.

Today on the StartupNation community forums there are a couple of topics that are specifically talking about inspiration. Jeff Fisher talks about his garden as a great source of inspiration. Kim shares how September 11, 2001 and the rebuilding at ground zero inspired her to start her business. MeLissa points to a special event in her life as the turning point to start up her wedding consultant business.

Anniversaries are powerful things. We celebrate birthdays & wedding anniversaries, and specific dates on the calendar can take on very special meaning for us.

May 1 is one of those days for me.

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