As the Wise Man Said…Patience is a Virtue

Over the past few days I feel like the legwork I have done in the past three weeks is coming to fruition. I am putting together a nice compilation of fabric vendors and am wishing I hadn’t given my email to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council as my inbox is full of introductions from manufacturers.

Why is this significant?? Well, it is just another screaming sign about the instant gratification we seek in this modern day world. Some things take time, patience and a little work. I also realized what a key partner Trade Councils and Government agencies can be, domestically and abroad. Their goal is to foster successful partnerships between people trying to do business as well as educate about the various trade agreements.

The point…patience is a virtue. Continue to network, research and reach out to people and you will find what you are looking for. Even better, someone else may find what they are looking for in you.

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