Facebook Marketing – 7 Amazing Ways to Promote Your Business on Facebook

There are currently 700 million active users on Facebook. The opportunities to promote yourself and your products or services are extensive.

All the Rage

It boils down to this. Facebook is all the rage now, a social networking site that has grown so fast over the past few years that it has become world’s number one social network. There are currently about 700 million active users, a number that is still growing at a staggering rate.

If you want to grow your business, the opportunities to promote yourself and your products or services are extensive. Facebook is definitely the kind of marketing tool you should have under your belt.

However, like similar social networking sites, it takes time and effort to master all of the features, applications and marketing possibilities that Facebook offers.

Facebook Marketing Tips

Here are some tips that will help you get involved in Facebook marketing and exploit Facebook to reach new customers, promote your business and drive traffic to your website.

Put Together a Killer Profile Page

Create a profile page that will look attractive to your customers or business contacts. It doesn’t necessarily have to be professionally designed, but simple and effective. You should provide enough information to pique the interest of your target market, and your profile page should be created with this goal in mind.   

Add Your Business Contacts

Many business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs already have a Facebook account. Invite your business contacts and customers to add you as their "friend" and invite those who do not have an account yet to get their own. This way, you can build a Facebook community around your business.

Start a Group

Another great way to create a Facebook network around your company is to use the site’s Groups feature to network with your business contacts. This feature also allows you to reach your target market as you join existing groups or create one just for your business.

Buy Ad Space

This requires a small investment, but it is still a lot more affordable than traditional advertising methods. Facebook provides you with the tools to create your ad and target it to a specific age group, gender and location. It even gives you the choice to pay per click (CPC) or impression (CPM). Finally, you have the ability to track your ad’s performance.

Post in Facebook Marketplace

You can promote and sell your products in the Facebook Marketplace for free.

Promote Your Blog

If you have a personal company or business blog, you can easily import it into your Facebook notes. Each of your blog postings will then appear in your news feed and that of your contacts. This is a fantastic way to keep your business contacts up to date with your blog.

Advertise an Event

Facebook has developed a free application called Facebook Events, which allows you to promote meetings, conferences, marketing events you may be hosting, product launches and your company’s achievements.

Facebook Marketing Summary

Now you have some great tools to get started. As you familiarize yourself with Facebook, explore all of its applications, add-ons and possibilities; exploit its potential to the fullest and take your business to the next level.    

In conclusion, if you are looking to promote your business to a new audience, start getting involved in Facebook marketing and open the doors to a massive opportunity.

Eager for more? Check out Zeke’s three podcasts below for more great online marketing information and tips!


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