
6 Must-Read Books to Inspire Your Startup

StartupNation’s recommended book excerpts include works of fiction and non-fiction written by best-selling authors, thought leaders, influencers and disruptors in small business and entrepreneurship. The following startup books receive our stamp of approval and deserve a spot at the top of your reading list.

Launch Your Dream

Launch Your Dream,” by Dale Partridge

Best-selling author and entrepreneur, Dale Partridge, shares six proven triggers to propel your startup to success.

Read the excerpt HERE.


Ditch Your Average Job, Start an Epic Business and Score the Life You Want,” by Daniel DiPiazza

Millennial business guru, Daniel DiPiazza, offers insights for growing your business.

Read the excerpt HERE.


She Means Business,” by Carrie Green

Female Entrepreneur Association founder, Carrie Green, shares tips for successfully serving your fans, customers and subscribers.

Read the excerpt HERE.

Jenny Blake

Pivot: The Only Move That Matters is Your Next One,” by Jenny Blake

Learn how to find new opportunities within your current organization with the advice of career and business strategist, Jenny Blake.

Read the excerpt HERE.


The Cheat Code: Going off Script to Get More, Go Faster and Shortcut Your Way to Success,” by Brian Wong

Get people to invest in you, not your project. Internet entrepreneur, Brian Wong, advises why this is so important.

Read the excerpt HERE.

The Spark and The Grind

The Spark and The Grind: Ignite the Power of Disciplined Creativity,” by Erik Wahl

Artist and entrepreneur, Erik Wahl, shares why we must live curiously in order to live creatively.

Read the excerpt HERE.

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