Three women high fiving each other.

3 Essential Tips to Scale Your Business

We all have dreams, but it takes a lot of work and determination to turn them into a reality. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had an itch for entrepreneurship and felt I had the potential to achieve that.

Born and raised in Venezuela, I earned an undergraduate degree in industrial engineering before pursuing a corporate job. I came to the United States to earn a master’s degree from Stanford as I knew that would open the doors for more opportunity, and it did.

I started a franchise in my native country which grew on an international scale to more than 500 locations. As a family business, we were all proud of this accomplishment but wanted to diversify our investments. I emigrated to the United States in 2015 so we could figure out what would come next, and landed on renovating rental properties which was my entrance into the home remodeling industry.

While that grew at a rapid rate, once COVID hit, I wanted to innovate and do something different, which was the beginning of my Re-Bath journey. I purchased two existing franchise territories in Florida in July of 2020 and started operating in early 2021.

We made significant changes to the Re-Bath businesses, growing our sales more than six times over since we first opened. While these innovations were occurring, three main factors always remained at the forefront.

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Carefully Invest Your Time & Energy

A new business endeavor isn’t a passive investment by any means – you are investing money, time, and energy into a long-term commitment.

Many people will remain laser focused on the financial element, but your business is more than that. Yes, capital is what you initially need to get started, but the true commitment comes from what you actively put into the business.

To ensure success, you have to dedicate your time and energy effectively, efficiently, and consistently. Involve yourself in improving processes, recruiting and training dedicated team members, implementing local marketing efforts, and more. Your presence is needed – especially as you’re just getting started.

Think Small Before You Think Big

When starting your own business, some may want to shoot for the stars and open a large number of locations. But before you take that big leap, first work on and perfect your business on a smaller scale.

You need control and proven success over the business before you start to scale – get the technical and operational matters right, and that will help you expand. When you work out the kinks within one location, you don’t need to worry about replicating them in additional locations.

Another element to hone in on before scaling exponentially is to have someone strong leading your operations, whether that is you or someone else on your team. That person will ensure your business and other team members are working like a well-oiled machine.

Prioritize Happy Customers Above All

An important part of the culture for any business lies within your customers – this is what keeps you running. To have happy customers, you need to invest in the appropriate tools and resources. Think hiring and training on the internal side, and things such as loyalty programs, incentives, and product/service innovation on the external side.

Satisfied customers will really determine the longevity of your business. When they are pleased with your business, they will return and most likely share their positive experience via online reviews or with friends and family who may become customers themselves.

Even further, having strong customer service can serve as a key differentiator for your business. The landscape of your specific industry will only become more competitive over time, but you will stand out amongst others by prioritizing happy customers.

The SuN Takeaway

Above all, remember that the growth and continued success of your business will remain an ongoing effort. Keep a positive mindset when you are evaluating overall investments, gain accurate control before you scale, and pour into your customers.

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