Fabric Sourcing in NYC

Warning…this post is more industry specific than I’ve been recently so if you are not interested in fabrics this is probably not your cup of tea.  At the end of this week I am going to NYC to round out my fabric sourcing venture.  I am completely psyched and have done some legwork prior to leaving so I can make the most of my time in the city.

First off, I have utilized a book called The Designer’s Guide: Fabric & Trim Resources, which lists fabric suppliers whose minimums range from 1-500 yards.  This has been a great starting point to discover suppliers that I may be able to partner with.  I have located some great vendors through this book without leaving the comfort of my “office” :).  The publisher, Susan Power has also created the Resource Room at The Katherine Gibs School in NYC which is an all fibers, trims and fabric sourcing library.  The Resource Room is open to designers/manufacturers of apparel, accessory and home furnishing products.  Designers can make appointments with Ms. Power, who will then assist in your search for fabrics, trims, etc.

Another great resource which I have mentioned before is the Fashion-Incubator blog and member forum.  I have gotten some excellent assistance from members of the forum.  They have suggested some really great vendors and definitely kept me moving forward.  Fashiondex is another website I have utilized to contact fabric vendors.  They maintain an on-line listing of fabric and trim suppliers.

The Fashion Center Source Book is an on-line guide of the Garment District in NYC.  It explains the exact boundaries of the district, lists fabric, trim and pattern stores and reveals insider tips on how to make the most of a trip to the Garment District.

By utilizing the above noted resources I have not only made a few appointments with fabric vendors for my trip to NYC but I have already requested and received swatches from multiple companies.  It has taken some time, but this methodology has worked for me and it is my hope that the information here will help someone else.  You know what they say…pay it forward.

If anyone has any last minute tips I’m all ears!  Stay tuned…next week I’ll be reporting on my trip. 🙂

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