Wacky Idea to Grow Small Business Sales

I just took a walk at lunch. I had already eaten a sandwich at my desk (peanut butter & jelly). I just wanted a walk break. I walked by 2 movie theaters & thought how cool, and creative-thinking-mind-changing, it would be to watch 45 minutes of a movie during my lunch hour.

But the idea of shelling out 8 bucks to watch 1/2 of a movie didn’t appeal.

Now … if the theater would let me watch 1/2 the movie & bring my ticket stub back later in the week to watch the 2nd half, I would have done it.

As it is, they got zero dollars from me. And they’ll get zero dollars from me during the work-day for the entire year, every year that I’m still alive.

If they gave me a 1-2pm movie-start-time pass for the month, I’d pay maybe $15-20 for that. AND I’d bring my teammates with me. We’d watch 45 minutes of a movie once/twice per week. Heck, I’d give them $100 for a year’s pass of Mon-Fri 1-2p movie start times.

How can you employ such a wacky idea to your biz?

I posed this question to the StartupNation online community. Check out their responses.

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