Product Trends

The Hottest Consumer Product Trends of 2014

Here we go again…another exciting year of innovative products and some old mainstays that will dominate the retail shopping experience in 2014!

As part of my annual preview of what’s likely to be hot for 2014 in the world of consumer product trends, I look to find those products that are either revolutionary in scope and just plain fun or make our lives easier and healthier. The year 2014 promises to offer both!

Here are some exciting new products and trends we can expect to see this year in the world of technology:

  • Curved “Flat Screen” TV’s – Yup, the major makers of the flat screens we love have now introduced curved screens for our viewing pleasure. To see these TV is to believe, but as my wife said, “where in the world will this thing fit?” Perhaps under a curved doorway?  You never know!
  • Flexible Smart Phones  – Wow! I wonder how this will play out with consumers…a phone you can actually bend. Think of the possibilities!
  • Personal Drones – Now you can be the proud owner of your very own drone! Think of these as remote controlled mini helicopters or planes that many of us have used, but these drones capture images and can spy just like the real ones. Is there anywhere we can’t hide anymore?

In the world of toys, there are always cool new items that are created. My kids are very into their tablets, but I can still get them to play a board game once in a while. Here is what’s new in the world of toys:

  • Legos – While Legos are not technically “new”, they always seem to come up with new designs and hot themes. With their new Architecture Series, kids (and adults) can build their favorite monuments such as the Eifel Tower and the Sydney Opera House.
  • Science Kits – These toy staples continue to dominate the holiday shopping lists of parents nationwide.  Anything related to how to build something with circuits or creating  experiments is in high demand and appears they will continue to do so. Learning is still in!
  • Smart Phone powered toys – You knew this was coming and with more gusto than ever. Anything from little toy robots and dogs to mini drones, there is nothing you can’t seem to do these days with a smart phone in your hand.

In the world of fitness and health, technology rules the day.  Here are some fun and interesting things already taking hold:

  • Wearable Fitness Devices – This category is red hot! Helpful products such as Fit Bit are leading the way in the wearable fitness category. Any item that you can clip onto your clothes or wear on your wrist makes activities such as jogging or step climbing more fun and effective as you can instantly track your progress with real time information.
  • Virtual Health Care – While this is not technically a product, the fact that some major retailers are experimenting with the concept of seeing your doctor on your screen instead of in-person sure seems exciting! Avoiding long waits in the office and the convenience of in-home discussions makes this concept very appealing.

In the world of pet products, retailers are now showing off the wide range of new foods and services to the millions of pet owners in the USA:

  • Personalized Food – Manufacturers of organic and more refined foods have figured out that many pets have allergies and food aversions just like humans do. So, they are now making broader lines of food products that address these concerns, such as true organic food and gluten free products.
  • In-Store Services – Pet food retailers just love the “spa” customer who is willing to pony up for their pet to have a day at the spa which includes lengthy bubble baths, massage, and social time with other pets.
  • Pet Puzzle Games – An age old concept reborn! Makers are now offering what resembles a puzzle or tray with sliding doors that contain treats. When your pet solves the puzzle, they open the door to the special treat!

The consumer product trends above are hot, hot, hot! But this is not to say that all other consumer product categories are stagnant. There are certain additional areas that continue to see dramatic changes, such as fashion and home and kitchen. If you visit a local mall or store, you’re sure to see exciting new coffee makers, juicers with sleek designs and interactive functionality, and new clothing lines that bring back old trends like mini skirts and grey and white colors for dresses, pants, shoes and everything in between. Looking at the world of consumer product trends, one thing is for sure: 2014 won’t disappoint!

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