How Would You Use Community Boards?

If you haven’t noticed, our Blogs have received a bunch of comments from fellow entrepreneurs in recent weeks. It’s basically become our best place to have community dialogue — take for example the comments on the Blog entry about Jan and her startup conundrum. You have really poured on the support in a very productive way.

Last night we were in NYC at a Borders doing a discussion and book signing. Several people attending asked said, "StartupNation NEEDS COMMUNITY BOARDS!!! We want to find other entrepreneurs to network with!!!"

Well, not to fear. We’re going to launch our Community Boards… but we want to make sure we do it right!

Help us with your thoughts: When we introduce the Community Boards, what will you want to get from them? What special features will you hope we provide?

We want to make sure that, as we’re constructing them, we’re building in all the bells and whistles that would make them most helpful to you.

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