Is Your Website Listening?

Your customers have something to say. Are you listening? Is your website capturing this valuable information?

Your small business website is an excellent tool for hearing from your customers and prospective customers, and for engaging with them. What is on their minds? What are new challenges of theirs that you can solve for them?

How is your website configured to hear from your customers?

  • Do you have a feedback form?
  • Do you conduct surveys or polls?
  • Do you list your contact information clearly, including email and phone number?
  • Do you allow product reviews, or other types of user-generated content?
  • Do you have a comments-enabled blog?
  • Do you offer multiple forms of engagement?

Once your site visitors have communicated with you, it is important that you respond with a personalized follow-up. Customer input is valuable in helping you understand how to better serve your customers, and correspondingly how to build your business. Therefore, you should invest the time in a one-on-one dialog, whether through email or otherwise, with those who generously took the time to provide you with feedback.

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