Blogging for your brand

Recently I read an article on Social Media Today by Steve Olenski entitled ‘Why Women Are the Most Powerful Brand Ambassadors in the World.’  It caught my attention because A) part of my business is representing useful brands that I endorse to multi-tasking, busy moms and B) it is simply true.

The article sites a Lithium Social Media study in which they found ‘Because of social media, [one is] more likely to try new things based on friends’ suggestions’ to be 80 percent.  The article also quotes one of the founders of Blogher, Lisa Stone, as saying ‘there’s no one a woman trusts more for advice, recommendations…than another woman in her circle.’

Major brands like T.J. Maxx, Toyota, and P&G consistently work with bloggers, specifically mom bloggers, to help promote their products, overall mission, and get the word out on everything new concerning their brand.

How does this concern you, as small business owners?

In a big way.  Although earlier I mentioned large, big-box brands embracing the benefit of working with bloggers, many start-ups find the leg-up that they need right in their own virtual backyard with bloggers.  In fact, I find that a large number of bloggers hold a soft spot for new and upcoming start-ups and tend to like to work with them.

Basically, blogs are driving consumers.  I paint with a broad brush when I say that, but the general gist is that there are a number of very successful blogs that are founded on the premise of hard work and good ethics that are stirring the marketplace.  Receiving an endorsement, review, and/or mention by these blogs allows your brand to reach a widespread audience (who simply put – view these blogs as their friend next door).

Being featured in blogs is becoming increasingly more coveted and a part of many companies’ P.R. plan.

So, how do you do it?  How do you approach a blogger?

I will start with this – Bloggers work hard.  Many hours go into producing a high end post.  There is more time associated with promoting the post.  For many bloggers, blogging is a big part of their income (they deserve to make money, too – for their efforts and work).

With this being said, the first step in approaching a blogger is being respectful of their work, time, and business (which you want to be promoting your business).  Make sure you are prepared with a finished website and readily available information on your brand.

Second, please be sure to actually READ the blogger’s blog.  Get to know the flavor of the blog, the writer’s style, and think about how your brand or product would fit.  If you do not think it is a good fit, move on.

Next pitch yourself in a clear and concise manner that let’s the blogger realize that you read their blog, know their name, and want to value (compensate) them for their time.

Finally, know that a large blogger cannot respond to every request that he/she receives.  Follow-up in a week or so if you do not hear back.

If you are a skeptic, ask your friends how they look for a new product or service.  Chances are they either follow a few blogs on the subject or google a blog or two when looking to make a purchase.

Feel free to visit me at if you have any questions.

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