No limp handshakes allowed

On the heels of us featuring a recent article about business ethics in the newsletter, I was struck by a post from Seth Godin about the dreaded "wet fish" handshake. We deal with ethical dilemmas in business every day, and while the internet is a huge boon to small businesses everywhere, it’s hard to avoid the fact that it does open up some huge holes for, well, less savory types. I even heard organized crime is getting in to the spam business (I can just picture Tony Soprano hitting Send on a few million ‘get rich quick’ emails).

On the flip side, that opens up a huge opportunity for startups to distinguish themselves as above board – wear it on your sleeve, or even better educate your customers about how to identify some of the things to watch out for in your particular field. They’ll be glad you did (and so will you when they come back for more).

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