Public Relations

How Fast Is Your PR Team?

Fast Response is the Key to PR Success

How many of you are waiting for a response from a new client, partner, publicist, or someone else?

In today’s busy, business world, it’s probably quite a few of you.

Although we now have speedy tools like e-mail, social media, texting, and even the old standard of actually talking to someone on the phone, response rates seem to have gone down. And while this may seem frustrating and rude, you can actually turn it into a positive.


Respond Quickly to Boost Business Awareness and Sales.

Just because others don’t’ respond quickly, that doesn’t mean you need to do the same thing…

Don’t wait for a potential, new client to respond to your proposal.

Don’t wait until you have your content perfect before posting it.

Don’t wait to respond to a media member.

Take action now!

As Andrew Palmer of Agora Publishing and other, successful business people say, “money loves speed.” This refers to acting on ideas quickly and making things happen. The same goes for working with people. If you are just waiting for others to respond, you are not being proactive.


Know Your Goals and Action Plan.

 Do you have an action plan for your public relations, content, sales, marketing, and overall, business processes?

It may seem like extra work, but you’ve got to know exactly what you are trying to accomplish and the tactics you are going to use to meet those goals. If not, you can waste a lot of time, money and effort. Write down what you want to accomplish, how you are going to do it and when.

Then, once you have your plan in place, follow it!

After you finish a particular pitch, content piece or other item and are waiting for a response, make a note of the status of that particular activity and then move on to the next item on your list. This way, you will keep the momentum going and be able to meet your set timelines – not someone else’s!

Don’t Let Others Slow You Down.

 If you spend your life waiting for others to respond to your requests, you may be waiting a long time! Instead, set goals and tactics and follow your schedule and deadlines.

Also, be known as someone who responds to others quickly. People will appreciate your speediness, and you will actually accomplish more.

Currently, I’m waiting to hear back from over six people on some very important activities. But instead of getting frustrated and focusing on these projects, I’m moving on. There are plenty of business and media opportunities out there to pursue, and there is no way I’m going to miss them by waiting for others to get in touch with me!

Are you waiting for a response when you could be pursuing something else right now?

For additional information on boosting sales, awareness and credibility fast, please write to me here or visit

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