Green is the New Orange this Halloween

Learn why green is always in style, whether during the orange holiday of Halloween or the red, white & blue of July 4th.

If I told you that you should focus on creating a green company, I think you would tell me that starting a company is hard work, and there are other things to worry about first. In almost any situation, I would agree with you; however I think you will find that creating a green company is actually extremely simple. Unlike developing social media sites, creating a finance team, or deciding on a business structure, going green is something that does not take concentration or require you to make a decision—all you have to do is pay attention.    

Once your company grows and becomes one of the most profitable companies in your city (well, your company will certainly grow, we know that much), you will want your company to be a supporter of the green movement. Not only will going green make you more likeable amongst customers and help the environment, but it can help you put away those company credit cards a little bit more often. Consider a few tips to help your startup start green:   

5 Tips to Help Your Startup Startup Green

1. Turn off Equipment

Require your employees to shut down their computers at the end of each day and set them to energy-saving settings during the day. In addition, ask your employees to unplug their business phones. This will reduce the energy your company uses and ultimately save your company money each month.

2. Go Digital

This is probably where most companies (startups included) have it right. Email as much as you possibly can, save files on your computer, and only print was it absolutely necessary. If you must print, make sure you utilize double sided documents. This will not only help your company go green, but will simplify files; therefore helping to improve your company’s organization.

3. Paint the Office Green

Okay you got me: Literally painting the office green won’t make a difference, but you can design your office by using materials that will make those tree huggers happy. Start by finding furniture that was made from recycled materials. If you already have furniture but were considering buying newer, see if your existing furniture can be restored. Also take notice of the light you use in the office. Natural light is best, but if you have few windows be sure to use compact fluorescents as opposed to incandescent bulbs.

4. Work with Green Vendors

Ask each vendor you are considering if they have any green policies. Most companies have something in place to help the environment because they deal with paper so often, so you should be able to find some companies who are on the same page when it comes to going green.

5. Commute

The commute to work is something many companies do not think they can control. If your employees live far away, there is nothing you can do, right? Believe it or not, many companies are starting to give incentives for employees who take public transportation to work, carpool, or even ride bikes. This is of course to be completely voluntary, and needs to be worked out based on your employees commuting routine, but it is something to consider. After all, with the price of auto insurance these days, they may already be considering other options.

If your startup can instill these green ideas right at the get-go, you are sure to benefit in the long run. Going green is no more expensive (in fact, it is generally much less expensive) than ignoring the issue, so if you’re wondering what you should be this Halloween, my advice to you—be green.

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