Making Yourself Vulnerable Can Be Profitable

As a new startup company, every day and every action item is intense. As entrepreneurs we often act in a fashion that is bold and confident with a “take no prisoners” or “damn the torpedoes” attitude. It’s what often allows us to power through challenges that would just be too daunting if we actually took the time to pause and give them a second thought while beating them into oblivion with our sheer will.

It truly works.

Except when you find yourself butting heads with another entrepreneur who is employing the exact same strategy right back at you.

Whoa! Sparks sure can fly.

And what often happens is a whole lot of posturing and smoke, without a whole lot of fruitful result.

This has been happening to me lately and it’s been the biggest challenge in the life of of our young startup company Showcase U. So after nights and nights of restless sleep, and days upon days of creative strategizing, I realized what must be done. Actually my wife realized it while I was still thinking about possibly realizing it, and shared her revelation with me.

I stopped being macho entrepreneur and became vulnerable entrepreneur. I did it because it was the right and best strategy to move forward. I was not only willing, but truly excited to give up a great deal in order to accomplish the greater good for the future.

On the surface it may have looked like a weakness or giving up. On the surface it is.

But entrepreneurs need to have vision that goes WAY beyond the surface.

Funny thing: almost immediately the entire tenor of the business relationship calmed down and we are in a much stronger place than ever before. We’ve also “been through war” with a strategic partner and our bonds are stronger for it.

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