Want your eBay questions answered Live?

This coming week, I will be on StartupNation Radio, broadcast across the country to answer your questions about eBay and Internet business. We will be selecting 6 or 7 eBay sellers to join us on the radio to ask questions about eBay for me to answer that the rest of the nation will hear.

This is a great opportunity to showcase your eBay business to a national audience and get some great information. So who wants to be on the radio?

Post responses in the comment section of this blog and you may be selected. Details on the day and time of the show will be revealed within a few days.

Looking forward to chatting with all of you!

Corey Kossack is one of eBay’s “Top Sellers” through his eBay store, Koss DVD. He is also author of eBay Millionaire or Bust and creator of ProfitBuilderSoftware.com, an online software tool designed to reduce eBay fees and maximize profits for eBay sellers.

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