What Does the Apple Tablet Mean for Business?

If you are a hardcore Apple fan, or better yet a tech junkie, Jan. 27, 2010 is a day you have been waiting for. Today is the day Steve Jobs is speaking at a press conference to announce Apple’s new products. Among the list are the iLife 2010, iPhone 4 and new MacBooks, but the real excitement is not for any of these products. Everyone seems to be talking about the Apple tablet, or iTablet for VoIP as some people are calling it.

According to many sites, it’s rumored Jobs calls the tablet, “the most important thing I’ve ever done.” No one knows for sure what Jobs is going to report, but many people are sharing their predictions. After going over many different websites, it seems like this iTablet for VoIP is going to be similar to the already popular iPhone, but with more bells and whistles.

Does this mean anything for business owners? Tablets themselves are not a new invention, and have been around since the 90’s. They haven’t been popular due to their lack of keyboard, and reliance on touch screens and pens. Although it’s being compared to the iPhone, it isn’t speculated to have traditional phone capabilities so phone systems for the office is still a must.

One aspect business owners will like is it’s low cost, ease of portability and the e-reader function to keep up-to-date on industry news. Speculated to be around $750, it’s possible it will give companies who have many employees out in the field a better way to stay connected to their home office. It’s also rumored to boast e-reader capabilities, making it easier to stay connected to industry specific news while on the go.

We all will have a better understanding of this “iTablet” after Jobs’ speech, and have a better understanding of how important (or not important) this tablet will be.

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