Loving my cell phone leads to startup business ideas

A StartupNation community member recently asked “What’s your favorite office supply?” on the community forum. At first glance it seemed like a very silly question & even a sillier topic for discussion. But the question has stuck with me for a few weeks and I really thought about it as I bought a new cell phone for both Suzanne and me yesterday.

I really LOVE my new cell phone and I think I know why. Because I really HATED my old one. It was cool when I first bought it, but that was over a year ago – at least 3 generations of cool cell phones have come out since then. My new phone is sleek – a Razor – but it’s nothing super-fancy.

Yeah, it’s fun to have a new thing, but this is much more important than that. I use my cell phone as my main verbal, and sometimes text, communication with the world. It’s in my front pocket ALL THE TIME. It’s my alarm clock at 6am on weekdays.

I’m sure that the luster will wear off of my new phone soon enough and I’ll turn my attention to the tried & true ball point pen, scotch tape dispenser and “new fangled” white board.

Some of the answers on the forum were stapler (“Office Space” anyone?), staple remover, pencil, paper clips.

By the way, the favorite office supply question migrated to people sharing the role that office supplies play in their creative brainstorming. And one person talked about how they always loved office supplies & now that’s their small business – selling office supplies!!

Go figure? (calculator)

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