My typical days are not so typical.

Whew! I have to say, although sales have been a little slow – as they always are this time of year – I seem as busy as ever. I’ve been working on a bunch of new products, and giving interviews and placing ads. I’m also trying to organize my house and office, which is a monumental task in and of its self.

Yesterday I had a TV crew at my house again. I say “again” because I was recently filmed for a segment on ABC’s World News last October. My friends all laugh because they know that a normal day here at Dippy Chick is not normal to most people. Yesterday was an interview for various news shows across the country, and it actually had to do with Startup Nation! They are doing a segment on people who have won contests through blogs or communities. Last year I won a wonderful prize from a Startup Nation contest for “The entrepreneur most deserving of a vacation”. A bunch of community members posted their entries on why they needed a vacation, and then the community voted – and I won a trip for four to Orlando! We just took the trip last month and it was fantastic to put it mildly. It was a much-needed refresher, and we have so many wonderful memories of that trip. My sons had a great time meeting Mickey, Tiger and Buzz Lightyear!

So, to get back on track, this TV crew was here yesterday interviewing me for the story, since I was a contest winner. The cool thing is they are going to plug my business as well as Startup Nation. They were super nice and took a lot of footage of me making my dip mixes and they even filmed me eating the dip on a chip!

I had a MAJOR blond moment during the shoot. They told me to sit at my computer and read my entry. So, I sat down and started reading …. Then I said “Oh, out loud?” and they were like, “YES!!!” and we had a good laugh. Duh!

It was fun and it should be on news shows across the nation any time after this weekend. I am hoping my web address gets a mention, as well as Startup Nation’s. That would be great.

Also yesterday, I found out that I was mentioned in an article about Gluten Free eating in a magazine called Today’s Diet and Nutrition. (My dip mix products are gluten free because my sons and I have gluten allergies.) It’s on shelves now in Barnes & Noble and Whole Foods. I have to pick up a copy!

That’s about it. I need to get off here and get my taxes done. I don’t usually wait until the last minute like this, but the whole s-corp thing has me in such a frazzle. Luckily, my CPA is really sweet and patient. This year I am hiring a bookkeeper! I’d better get on it, in fact.

Have a great day!

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