Small business tip: Don’t lie

A company as big as Radio Shack takes its integrity very seriously. The New York Times reported (subscription required) that Radio Shack’s chief executive resigned yesterday after revealing that he had lied about his education background.

Here’s a quote from Leonard H. Roberts, Radio Shack’s executive chairman, "When our company’s credibility becomes based on a single individual, it is time for a change. One of the most important things we have as a corporation is integrity and trust. We have to restore that back to the company."

Everything at a small business is more intense than at a bigger business. Every single thing that comes out of your mouth, is posted on your website or stated on your product brochure has a huge impact. That creates a terrific opportunity and also the potential for grave repercussions.

In this case I say take the advice of the plumber and entrepreneur Cosmo Castorini in the movie Moonstruck, “Tell ‘em the truth Loretta. They find out anyway.

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