Hundred-Dollar Bills

Water waste – how businesses can reduce their environmental footprint as well as their bills

Control how the money “flows” in and out of your business by controlling water waste.

How businesses can reduce their environmental footprint as well as their bills

Every day 45 billion litres of perfectly usable drinking water is lost or thrown away. It’s hard to hear but that would be enough to supply just over 200 million of the world’s most disadvantaged people with clean, usable water.

In the UK alone, 3,108,000,000 litres of water are lost through easily preventable things such as leaks and outdated plumbing systems. In fact, the UK is the second-worst country in Europe when it comes to water waste. One of the most efficient ways that we could cut down on our water usage would be to educate and inform businesses about the social and financial perils of water waste.

Act sooner, rather than later

Water drought is a very serious issue and the negative consequences of a laissez-faire attitude to sustainability are already painfully clear to see. The UK is currently experiencing its worst case of drought since records began. As climate change becomes more and more extreme, temperatures will increase and rainfall will decrease. A lack of foresight now could lead to future problems with crop production and drinking water. If we do not conserve water now, we will have no chance in the future.

There are several ways that businesses can contribute less to water waste. Some of the easiest and most simple ways include planting trees and plants that are indigenous to the geographical area. This type of landscaping – if done properly – should require no watering or pesticides to maintain. Once this has been installed, the office garden should flourish without any interference.

Existing solutions

Another, more expensive, option would be for businesses to check their existing plumbing for any leaks or damages. According to research commissioned by the water services regulation authority, over one fifth of all drinkable water is lost in this manner.

However, this will only be step one of the solution. Smart technology is set to revolutionize the household in the 2020s and water management will be no different.

Smart water controllers

Regional companies such as Anglian Water have started to recommend that firms implement smart water controllers in their locations. The way that these devices operate is by using a sensor to adjust the water flow to an optimal run time. This is all decided by the current weather conditions.

For example, in July it wouldn’t be necessary to run a huge amount of water as all the plumbing would be thawed. So the smart water controller would automatically ease the water flow, which would then mean that you wouldn’t waste litres and litres of water.

Plumbing technology

One of the most simple, cost-effective options is to implement water-saving plumbing devices. They’re a little less flashy than their ‘smart technology’ cousins but they do the job nonetheless. UK-based company FlushKING manufacture a product that replaces your toilet’s internal mechanism (flush valve and siphon) with a superior dual flush valve.

The product regulates how much water your toilet uses per flush. An old fashioned, regular toilet uses about 9 litres for each flush. However, the FlushKING dual flush limits the toilet to only 6 liters. By changing to this product, you would instantly start saving 33% off your business’s water bill.

Changing attitudes

There are a multitude of options for saving water and reducing waste in the commercial sector. However, there are no excuses for not making these changes and increasing sustainability. It will be interesting to see how much attitudes will evolve over the next few years.

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