What is your ”Moonrise”?

There’s a phrase used among some photographers when they refer to a peer’s best shot. They call it a “Moonrise.”

They’re referring to a famous photograph Ansel Adams shot at daybreak on a morning in 1941. He was driving along a New Mexico highway, noticed a full moon still aglow over a wide open ranchland, pulled over, set up his camera, and snapped the shot Adams would title “Moonrise

Moonrise by Ansel Adams
Moonrise by Ansel Adams

And that’s where this story of excellence turns to you. Some day, no matter what your passion is, you and the people who know you will reflect on your work. An assessment will be made about what you accomplished, what a clear highlight was in your life’s work.

Have you created your finest work yet? Is your best stuff yet to come? Will you be known by what you’re trying to accomplish at this time in your life?

What is your “Moonrise”?

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