linkedin job post

7 Tips for Writing a Strong Job Description on LinkedIn

Crafting a job description that attracts quality candidates is tricky. That’s why we analyzed the way millions of job seekers interact with job posts on LinkedIn and provided seven powerful tactics to help you write stronger job descriptions.

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Tip 1: Keep it concise

Many people look at job descriptions on their phones. That could explain why job posts with fewer than 150 words can get candidates to apply 17.8 percent more frequently than job posts with 450 to 600 words.


Tip 2: Be careful of being too casual

Candidates in our study were two to four times less likely to apply when the mock job description was extremely casual. Coming off as too conversational can give the impression that you are unprofessional; so keep it friendly without going overboard. Too casual of a tone can be off-putting to candidates.


Tip 3: Let candidates know what’s in it for them

Candidates may spend only a few seconds reading your job description, so make sure you cut to the chase. Details like compensation and qualifications were consistently highlighted as the most helpful part of a job description.


Tip 4: Don’t spend too much time talking up your company

Candidates care about your company; it’s just not what they’re looking for in a job description. They rated company, culture and mission as less important, rarely highlighting it as helpful. It is best to provide company information on your website, not the job description.


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Tip 5: Define exactly what success looks like

Stand out from the crowd by providing specific metrics that your candidates should hit after one year on the job. This can set up expectations and reflect positively on your company. Setting clear, specific and measurable goals will be beneficial for candidates.


Tip 6: Get your job post out there early in the week

When it comes to posting jobs, earlier in the week is better. Most candidates apply on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday – with just 15 percent coming in over the weekend.


Tip 7: Use gender-neutral terms to encourage gender diversity

Men applied to the jobs that they viewed 13 percent more often than women did. Job descriptions with “masculine” wording can turn away qualified prospects. Using gender-neutral language encourages a more diverse pool of applicants.


Ready to hire? POST A JOB: Get $50 off when you post your first job on LinkedIn

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