startupnation radio

Ask the Experts: Armando Ojeda, Angela Barbash, and Marcia Dawood on StartupNation Radio

On this week’s episode of StartupNation Radio, Jeff speaks with StartupNation’s subject matter experts from SCORE Mentors: Armando Ojeda, Angela Barbash, and Marcia Dawood.

Tune in to the full StartupNation Radio show with Ojeda, Barbash and Dawood to learn about the SCORE Mentors program and hear about each mentor’s unique experiences:

This episode is co-hosted by Armando Ojeda, a mentor at SCORE.

During the episode, Armando discusses:

  • SCORE Mentors and its impact as an organization
  • The value that SCORE offers to small business owners
  • The importance of mentorship to the startup community

For more information about SCORE Mentors, visit the official website.

Jeff and Armando begin by speaking to Angela Barbash, the chief executive officer of Revalue Investing.

During the interview, Barbash explains:

  • Her career as an investment advisor
  • Impact-oriented investing
  • Divesting from Wall Street and investing in nonprofits
  • The role of creativity in making a financial impact
  • Alternative investing’s importance to the pandemic recovery

For more information about Revalue Investing, visit their official website.

Then, they talk with Marcia Dawood, a successful angel investor.

During the interview, Dawood talks about:

  • Her passion for angel investing
  • How to get started as an angel investor
  • Recent trends and changes in today’s angel investing world
  • The ability for angel investors to double as mentors to the companies they fund
  • Examples of different companies’ experiences with angel investors

For more information about Marcia Dawood, visit her LinkedIn.

We’ll be back next weekend with another exciting episode of StartupNation Radio! Stay tuned.

Do you have a great entrepreneurial success story to share? Tell us your story here and you could be featured on an upcoming episode of StartupNation Radio.

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