Whether you are an established energy tech company or an inventor who wants to accelerate your idea, NextEnergy and RecoveryPark would like to work with you. The winner of the $80,000 NextEnergy lighting challenge for RecoveryPark LED horticultural lighting project went to a company that took a collaborative approach – Find out how individual tech companies came together to solve a common problem.
Jean Redfield, President & CEO, NextEnergy
Detroit non‐profit organization founded in 2002 whose mission is to accelerate advanced energy technologies, businesses, and industries.
Gary Wazniak, RecoveryPark
Gary Wazniak has brought together a coalition of 125+ government, education, non-profit and for-profit entities to vision a community development and large-scale metropolitan agriculture project.
Paul Savage, CEO Nextek Power Systems
A pioneer in energy efficient DC power distribution and energy management for buildings, will implement their DC distribution systems for RecoveryPark greenhouse operations. Nextek’s system will increase the profitability of RecoveryPark Farms by taking full advantage of the LEDs and advanced power distribution to keep the greenhouses as affordable and energy efficient as possible.
Ali Leipzig, Soul Camp
And to close out the show, a company that is bringing the fun of your youth back to you at Soul Camp. Ali Leipzig shares with us her unique and exciting business model.
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