StartupNation Radio feature

StartupNation Radio with Shay Berman on Building a Business From Scratch

On this week’s episode of StartupNation Radio, Jeff Sloan talks with Digital Resource’s Shay Berman about how he built his company from the ground up and the importance of hiring the right people.

Tune in to the StartupNation Radio show with Berman to learn about his journey:

Shay Berman, the founder and president of Digital Resource, a digital marketing agency. He is StartupNation’s digital marketing expert.

During the episode, Berman discusses:

  • How he became a digital marketing expert.
  • The skills he has that embody the entrepreneurial spirit.
  • The 80/20 rule as it applies to his workforce expectations.

For more information about Digital Resource, visit the official website, and follow on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.

We’ll be back soon with another exciting episode of StartupNation Radio! Stay tuned.

Do you have a great entrepreneurial success story to share? Tell us your story here and you could be featured on an upcoming episode of StartupNation Radio.

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