wjr business beat

WJR Business Beat: Shopify Jump-Starts Starting A Business (Episode 328)

On today’s Business Beat, Jeff talks about Shopify, a one-stop shop of resources for people who want to start a business.

Tune in to the Business Beat, below, to learn how this subscription-based software can help you set up an online store and sell your products.


Tune in to News/Talk 760 AM WJR weekday mornings at 7:11 a.m. for the WJR Business Beat. Listeners outside of the Detroit area can listen live HERE.

Are you an entrepreneur with a great story to share? If so, contact us at [email protected] and we’ll feature you on an upcoming segment of the WJR Business Beat!

Good morning, Paul! Businesses are being started in the U.S. today at a record pace like never before in our country’s history. And you know what? I believe everyone should start a business, whether part time, or full time, whether a side hustle or a public company on the New York Stock Exchange. Why? At a minimum, starting a business provides a sense of pride and achievement like few other things in life can. It provides a sense of freedom and independence that is so consistent with our society’s can-do spirit. And if you’re successful, it can provide that much needed extra cash on the side, all the way to a huge financial windfall that no 9-to-5 could ever provide. And today, like never before, there are tools and resources at your fingertips to help you get started and to help you grow and succeed. Take Shopify, for example. Shopify is a true friend to small business. It’s a subscription-based software that anyone can access to use to set up an online store and sell their products. Moreover, Shopify offers all of the tools and resources you need to market your business and to start selling immediately. So you might be asking, sounds good, but does it work? Well, Shopify President Harley Finkelstein just yesterday told CNBC that Cyber Monday sales now surpass last year’s sales of $5.1 billion globally on Cyber Monday. That’s up 22% from last year’s boom year. Simply put, Paul, it’s working big time. And if you’ve ever thought of getting in on the action, now is the time to do just that. Look, whether you’re using a platform like Shopify to create your own e-commerce store or opening a store on a marketplace platform like Amazon, eBay or Etsy, it’s easy and it works. And there’s nothing like the thrill of waking up in the morning to see sales being even while you slept. So no more moaning and groaning, no more excuses. Start a business today and start making extra cash tomorrow. I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of startupnation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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