Pitch Deck

The Anatomy of a Pitch Deck

Have questions on what it takes to get funding? Utilizing a pitch deck, share your compelling story in order to influence an audience to fund your business. For those unfamiliar with the term, a pitch deck is a presentation used to present a business plan to potential investors in person or via an online meeting.

Why is a pitch deck important?

Pitch decks are important because they are your first impression after initially meeting your potential investor. A pitch deck tells your story, and if you have the right story in place, it can help you secure funding. While there are many variations to a pitch deck, there are certain presentation keys that will guarantee success.

It is important to understand that you are telling a story, and that story needs to be told in just minutes. The content quality is more important than the quantity. While investors have high interest in the financials, they want to know to whom they are giving their money; the leadership, the team. (For more statistics and analysis around the art of the pitch deck, check out this great article by TechCrunch).

Remember your audience and where their interests lie. They want to know:

  • Who you are
  • Who is on your team, advisory board, etc.
  • What is your solution to a problem, along with your vision
  • The market
  • How you fit into that market
  • The deal: are you offering an exchange for their money?
  • Where will the money be spent?

If you answer these questions in your presentation, you will have answered many of the necessities they are looking for in an investment.

Also on StartupNation.com: Pitching Your Startup to the Media

First impressions matter, so make sure you have a professional assisting with the design, images, formatting and layout of the presentation. You want your presentation to look polished and professional. That doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune. One great resource to use is Concept Drop.

Remember, during a pitch deck presentation, you have limited time to present to investors. By presenting essential information up front, you will leave time for questions and for delving deeper, if their interest is piqued. These are the basic pitch deck elements we have found successful for presentations, which have been successful in raising funding from investment sources. You can find all fourteen critical slides of a pitch deck at the Trep Talk.

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