Do you have the entrepreneurial confidence of Satchel Paige?

I was just glancing at my baseball wall calendar and noticed that today is the 100th anniversary of baseball great Satchel Paige’s birth. A quick Google search tells me that Leroy "Satchel" Paige was born in Mobile, Alabama on July 7, 1906.

He’s the oldest player ever to be a rookie in the major leagues at age 42. Satch played in the Negro Leagues from 1926-1950 and in the majors from 1948 – 1953 and then again for a swan song in 1965 at the age of 59!

Oh, what us entrepreneurs can learn from old Satch:

It’s told that he often would make his fielders sit down while he confidently struck out the side. No need for defensive fielders if the batters never hit the ball.

Are you that confident?

His most famous quote is “Don’t look back — something might be gaining on you.”

There’s a great motto for entrepreneurs.

Paige is in baseball’s Hall of Fame. How did he learn to pitch? When he was sent to reformed school for shoplifting and truancy.

Made the best of a bad situation.

If you’re gonna be a successful entrepreneur, you gotta believe in yourself. May we each have the brash confidence and ambition of Leroy ‘Satchel’ Paige.

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