Entrepreneurs Love Pizza!

The new StartupNation “Capture the Flag” Contest is giving out daily prizes and the first prize was $100 of pizza from the winner’s favorite pizza joint. This could be our most popular promotion ever!!

A budding entrepreneur in Las Vegas, Teresa, won the pizza and has offered to share it with other StartupNation community members in Vegas. Teresa’s community nickname is “2TheMattresses” and she is appearing on tomorrow’s StartupNation community podcast, so I’m sure we’ll learn the super-cool significance of that “Godfather” movie reference.

In addition to the cool daily prizes and a Grand Prize of $1,000, the “Capture the Flag” contest has tips on how to make the most of the StartupNation.com experience and directs people to different parts of the site to find a daily flag icon. Clicking on the flag “captures” it and enters you into the daily & grand prize drawing.

Upcoming prizes? $100 at your favorite coffee shop. $100 off of a StartupNation Marketplace product or service.

I’m heading to Las Vegas to make friends with Teresa.

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