Out of work? Consider buying a franchise

Tough news in Charlotte, NC earlier this week. Wachovia Corp, one of the largest companies in Charlotte and the 6th largest bank in the United States, was purchased by Citigroup (Stock ticker C). 5,000 people were let go on Tuesday and I’m sure more will be before the end of the year.

When the unemployment rate is high and large corporations are downsizing, buying a franchise is typically a good alternative for someone with the entrepreneurial itch. There are hundreds of opportunities and you can find something that fits your lifestyle – a few examples:

  • Low investment franchises
  • Home based opportunities
  • Franchises specifically for women

One of the companies I’m working with now even offers a flexible starting program where you can start setting up your franchise on a part-time basis. Here’s a link to Spring Green’s Flex Start Program.

Other resources can be found right here on StartupNation. Check out the franchise section to request free information directly from the franchise companies themselves.

Losing your full time job can be hard on you and your family. But you can also use the time to reflect on your personal goals and find something that will make you that much happier and fulfilled in the long run.

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