Help for Small Biz: SBA Backs Interest Free Loans to Ease Cash Crunch

As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has now added a 100% interest free SBA backed loan with no fees attached. With so many businesses (big and small) crumbling in the current economic climate, the new loan program is an attempt by the SBA to reach out to its small business community. They are hoping to help companies that have been profitable in the past but are currently struggling due to sales declines, inability to access credit, or sky rocketing debt payments.

The loan is for amounts up to $35,000 and meant to be a short-term solution to stimulate cash flow. The goal of the ARC loan is get owners investing in their businesses again, instead of just scrapping by with their heads barely above water. The loan proceeds are systemically paid out over a period of six months and repayment does not begin until the last disbursement has been received. Repayments can be made for up to five years. The loans are available starting June 15th, 2009 through September 10, 2010 or until the all the funding has been disbursed. The loans will be issued by commercial lenders and then backed by the SBA. The SBA will then pay the commercial lenders a monthly interest rate.

Ideal candidates will have a plan for future cash flow, a history of profitability in at least one of the business’s previous three years, and are no longer than 60 days past due on their current debt payments.The loan program is not available to start-ups, non-profits, or companies that can not prove viability.

This new program just might be the break many small business owners have been hoping for to get them back in control of their finances. For more information, visit or contact your current SBA approved lender for application details.

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