Why We Had Kids… For Social Networking Help

I guess my husband and I always had in the back of our heads that we would have kids, so that when we were old and grey we would have someone to push around our wheelchairs, or at least extricate our Rascal scooters when they get hopelessly wedged between oddly out-of-date pieces of furniture.

I also had dreams the children would clean out the garage. This hasn’t happened as yet.

Now, thanks to the miracle of advancing technology our children are now forced to help me out at a much earlier age than I thought, especially when it comes to tech issues, like creating a Facebook profile for my business.

My first attempt at working with Facebook resulted in a page that looked like how Jackson Pollock might approach social networking as a medium. Luckily, my children promised me they would help straighten out the page, although they want their fees assessed in a higher allowance and an increased voice in choosing the family summer vacation. (I take it a second trip to Amish country will not be among our options next year.)

I had to go along with those demands. They threatened to bring down my server, which I believe has something to do with the old television trays.

Does anyone else find their kids’ tech savvy just a little disconcerting?

OK. I have to go. My four-year-old niece is being interviewed on the Today Show. She’s operating the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator for CERN.

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