sales pitches

12 Unique Ideas For Memorable Sales Pitches

So, how do you make your sales pitches effective and memorable?

Some ideas include focusing on benefits, telling the right story, including product demonstrations and offering irresistible bargains.

The fact is, there are many ways to create effective sales pitches that leave memorable impressions on your audience.

To help you make your sales pitches effective and memorable, we asked marketing professionals and experienced entrepreneurs this question: What is one unique idea for an entrepreneur to create an effective and memorable sales pitch?

Their answers provided these dozen unique ideas for memorable sales pitches:

Focus on benefits

When someone is looking for something, they’re thinking, “What’s in it for me?” or “How can this help me?” or “How can this solve my problem or relieve my pain point?” or “Is this entertaining?” or “Is this worth my time, money, etc.”

Put yourself in your target’s shoes and focus on the benefits to a potential customer. State the problem and provide the answer. The first 15 seconds of a presentation or a video needs to be enticing enough to keep the person’s attention. If they feel that you can help them, they’ll listen.

Giselle Aguiar, AZ Social Media Wiz

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Include product demonstrations

The best sort of sales pitch is one that shows potential customers or business partners what your products are and how they work. Assuming there is already an awareness of you, you next have to help customers discover what your business is all about to increase their interest in making a purchase or investment.

When you include live product demonstrations, you’re also showing you have confidence in what you’re selling. Even if they don’t remember everything you say, they will remember what you showed them.

Vanessa Molica, The Lash Professional

Tell a story

Those you’re pitching to don’t necessarily want to hear an elevator pitch. They want to hear a story. Your story, specifically. So, don’t go into a pitch meeting looking to sell your product.

Instead, go in looking to sell yourself, your company, and your products through the story you tell. Do whatever you can to make your sales pitch seem nothing like a sales pitch at all, and you’ll be amazed at the effectiveness of this approach.

Vicky Franko, Insura

Incorporate innovative tools

The most effective sales presentation will leave a lasting impression on your audience. How do you accomplish this? There is no shortage of innovative tools and technologies to include in your pitch.

So, be innovative and creative. Search the web for special presentation tools or create interactive demos to display. Incorporate these tools wherever and however you can in your pitch, and prospective customers will leave the room intrigued and excited by what you have to offer.

Nick Santora, Curricula

Personalize your pitch

Prospective customers can smell a canned effort from a mile away. It’s always better to personalize your pitch to your customer base instead. If you know your potential customer, you can connect with them on their level. The more you know about your customers beforehand, the more effective your sales presentation will be.

Learn about your customers and personalize your pitch to quickly move things down the sales funnel. This can include sharing how your product alleviates their specific pain points.

Brandon Berglund, Berglund Insurance

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Show enthusiasm and passion

Enthusiasm sells and if you, as a startup founder, aren’t excited about your product or service, you can’t expect your audience to feel the same sentiments. It’s important to remind yourself that more business deals are closed based on how you made someone “feel” about your product as opposed to what you made them “think,” which is why leveraging human emotion, particularly that of enthusiasm and excitement could be your best advantage.

That said, enthusiasm can’t be faked so make sure that your emotions are genuine and heartfelt so they can enhance your pitch rather than take away from it.

Harry Morton, Lower Street

Use relevant rhymes

Wordplay is a great tool for unique and memorable sales pitches. Rhymes are among the best memory tricks for humans. A rhyme that is both effortless and relevant to a business will make for a home-run introduction to a sales pitch. Such verbal flourishes don’t need to be excessive.

One or two lines are sufficient to nestle into someone’s mind if the speaker is passionate and practiced with their words. For longer pitches, featuring the rhyme at the beginning and end of the pitch is a great way to reiterate the idea and remind the other party that not only are they dealing with an accomplished business professional, but a savvy and creative wordsmith as well.

Christopher Ager, HomeBreeze

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Address potential objections

When pitching, we are often so focused on selling the positives of our offerings that we forget to manage the possible concerns, which is why it is important to manage the objections. It is critical to remember that with every benefit that we believe our ideas bring, that our audience is thinking about the potential detractors as a part of their decision process.

Therefore, it is important to thoroughly examine your idea and list out the possible objections, whether they be function, costs, profit potential or competition. Then, once you have compiled those possible concerns, you rehearse your responses to ensure that you leave little doubt that you have already considered those issues, and have solutions.

By looking for, listing and addressing all objections before pitching, you will be prepared to bring confidence to your audience.

Matt Miller, Embroker

Emphasize company’s growth and progress

Everyone wants to invest in a company with (good) history. I like to show my company’s growth and progress over the past few months/years when presenting my sales pitch, and it often makes for a memorable experience. You can make beautiful graphs to make your sales pitch even more memorable.

Feel free to rely on technology to create amazing reports showing off your company’s growth and progress to impress your audience.

Ian Kelly, NuLeaf Naturals

Conclude with a compelling call to action

Concluding with a compelling call to action is the most important part of an effective sales pitch. Involving the prospect directly in the call to action is a great way to get them excited.

Do not worry about being overly repetitive; you need to end on a powerful note that focuses on them. Finally, leave the prospect feeling like there is a sense of urgency, which will propel them to act.

Gerald Lombardo, The Word Counter

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Keep things simple

To create an effective and memorable sales pitch, it’s important to keep things simple. In order to stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of your audience, it’s crucial to focus on the key benefits and features that set your product or service apart.

By keeping things simple and to the point, you’ll be able to deliver a pitch that is both effective and memorable. For instance, when pitching a new product, it’s important to focus on the unique selling points that make it different from other products on the market.

Rather than rattling off a laundry list of features and benefits, focus on highlighting the key selling points that make your product stand out.

Christa Reed, Job Searcher

Offer irresistible bargains

The tourism sector took a knock in Ireland when the pandemic set in and it’s been a great focus to come up with ways to gain more customers as we anticipate a rebound season around the corner.

Given the onslaught of crippling recessions experienced by the global economy, you need to lure consumers to spend their hard-earned cash with great discounts and unbelievably outstanding deals.

Bargains with great visibility using videos on social media is a sure-fire way to attract interest. It’s working for us and consumers are enjoying the benefits of cash savings, buy 1 package for half the price.

When consumers are incentivized to save more when they spend with you, it’s a winning approach and they will by word of mouth share their experience with others. Also, great holidays at great bargains are memorable!

Struan Baird, Luxury Ireland Tours

Key Takeaways

Developing creative business pitch ideas can be a powerful way to differentiate yourself from competitors and capture the attention of potential customers or investors. As highlighted by Benjamin Farmiloe, founder of the digital marketing agency Disruptive Advertising, a memorable sales pitch should be concise, compelling, and tailored to the needs and interests of your audience.

One approach to crafting a creative business pitch is to use storytelling. By weaving a narrative that connects with your audience’s emotions and aspirations, you can create a memorable impression and build a relationship that extends beyond the initial pitch. Another effective technique is to use humor or unexpected analogies to capture attention and create a sense of novelty.

It’s also essential to focus on the unique value proposition of your product or service. A memorable sales pitch should clearly articulate the benefits that set you apart from competitors and highlight how you can solve specific pain points or challenges faced by your target audience.

Finally, it’s crucial to tailor your pitch to the specific needs and interests of your audience. By researching and understanding the motivations and goals of your potential customers or investors, you can create a pitch that speaks directly to their needs and interests, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome.

Overall, developing creative business pitch ideas requires a combination of strategic thinking, storytelling, and a deep understanding of your audience. By focusing on the unique value proposition of your business, crafting a compelling narrative, and tailoring your pitch to the needs and interests of your audience, you can create a memorable and effective sales pitch that helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

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