More Entrepreneurial love, and VOTE for StartupNation.

Hey, speaking of love (see yesterday’s blog post), there has been a conversation going on in the StartupNation community about how music inspires us and is a necessary arrow in the entrepreneurial quiver. We’re dangerously close to launching a new StartupNation Community Podcast that will feature people and conversations happening in the StartupNation community.

One of the planned features of this podcast is to highlight an independent musician in each show by playing one of their songs. Musicians display some of the greatest passion for starting and growing their dream business and we’d like to embrace that energy while helping to promote a budding entrepreneur.

I met someone last fall that has been the inspiration behind highlighting entrepreneur musicians at StartupNation. His name is Brother Love. His musical influences include: The Beatles, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Sly, Steely Dan, Beethoven & Prince. Stay tuned for the launch of this new podcast. I’m planning on featuring Brother Love in the kickoff show!

Rock on all you entrepreneurs!!

Vote for the StartupNation Blog

And don’t forget to vote for the StartupNation blog in MarketingSherpa’s Reader’s Choice Awards 2006.

We’re in the ‘Blogs on small business marketing’ category. You’ll have to scroll down the screen on this page to get to it, and then you can cast your vote.

Pass the love around!!

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