A Bubbly Niche!

My husband went to the doctor this week. His doctor is always reading about the latest in vitamin and medical research and usually has a new topic to discuss during each visit. This time it was the “Gluten-Free” diet. Many autistic children are on this diet. It is also recommended for variety of other conditions, and may be a healthful solution to other ailments. My husband’s big issue with the concept was NO BEER!

I wasn’t really sure what contains gluten and what doesn’t. I searched for more information. So, to my surprise, I found this website about a guy who is developing GLUTEN-FREE BEER!

Talk about a niche!

Now I don’t know if the gluten-free diet will be the next Atkins or SouthBeach diet. But I do know if it is, this guy is ready! He makes beer as a hobby, and someone asked him if he could create a gluten-free beer. It is a challenge he is taking on because he loves his hobby. He hopes one day to create a microbrew for people who can’t or don’t want to have gluten in their diet. Another great entrepreneur is born.

Don’t overlook your hobbies or personal needs and interests when you are looking for that big idea. And share your successes with us here!

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