An Entrepreneur’s Day Out or Why I Shop Alone

Entrepreneurs are different, that’s a common theme on Startup Nation.

We work differently. We think differently. And, by the looks of my Startup Nation profile pic, we dress and wear our hair differently. But, maybe that’s just me.

A case in point: I went shopping with my friends. They’re your average corporate hard-charging, salary-seeking, bonus-pimping 40-hour-a-weekers.

Now, as we walked past the shelves and found something nice, here’s our thought patterns.

My friends pick up the product and say: “Isn’t that cool?”

And here’s what I say: “Wonder who invented this? Is it patented? Who has the rights to it? Hmmm. It’s a new color scheme; is this a new color choice? How did they place it in the store? Is this an exclusive, or did they sell it to all the clothing chains? How did they market this? What kind of marketing research did they do? Wonder if they sell this online? What’s the margin on this bad boy? Can I make something similar, something better?”

This is why I’m an entrpreneur. And why I don’t get asked to go out shopping with my friends very often.

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