Behind the Scenes in the StartupNation Radio Studio

It’s 25 minutes until StartupNation Radio hits the airwaves for this week’s show. We’ll be broadcasting all over the country and the phone lines will jam up within minutes once the show begins. But right now it’s just Heather Cohen, our star associate producer and myself with our engineer Paul Roy in the studio. The Sloan brothers are doing their final preparation for the show, and I’m wondering who will call in with questions and elevator pitches. Will they be from New Jersey & Sarasota & Philadelphia (& many other towns) like last week? Or will we hear from Bozeman, Montana again?

This is the moment to think about stuff like that, because once the show begins there is hardly a moment to catch your breath, let alone pause & ponder. By 8pm EDT it will all be over & we’ll be smiling & high-fiving the way we do after every show.

Here goes …

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