Cool Company of the day: Zillow

Looking to buy a home? Wondering what your own home is worth? Has the value escalated the way you hoped?

The people who created Zillow want to help you find out. The beta version of their site puts the power of maps, comparables, trend charts and more all at your fingertips.

Is this destined to be the latest internet-inspired addition to Webster’s Dictionary?:

Zill-ow v. To discover info about specifically selected real estate. <Did you zillow your house to find out its value?> -owed, -owing, -owes.

The "cool dial" gets cranked up on Zillow as you start to think about how this site transfers power to home sellers and buyers by putting great information in their hands. The cool dial starts redlining as you experience the efficiency of this resource. Quick data, great insights – the stuff good strategies and brilliant decisions are made of!

One thing that’s potentially uncool is out-of-date information, as was the case when I (Rich) searched for info on my primary residence, but other searches I did with friends have been very accurate.

The founders, Rich Barton and Lloyd Frink are masters at creating value for people online. Ever hear of Expedia? Who hasn’t? They thought that might be a valuable service, too, and boy! were they right.

Barton and Frink are at it again and they’re onto something big.

Bye for now, gotta zillow a home.

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