Craig Newmark of craigslist just stopped in – are you ready for that unexpected meeting?

Here we are at StartupNation HQ, just doing our “normal” Friday morning stuff (well ok, there really is no “normal” about our days at StartupNation) and our producer Heather answered her phone. No big deal, it’s just a phone call. She chats, hangs up – admittedly a bit excited – and announces that Craig Newmark of craigslist will be popping in the office in a few minutes.

He does, we all meet him, he hangs for a bit, and then he’s on his way to the next thing.

Unannounced, unplanned, unexpected.

Very cool.

Are you prepared for your next unexpected meeting? For a small business, being “ready” at the drop of a hat can mean the difference between a terrific impression and the start of a profitable relationship or an average impression that goes nowhere.

On StartupNation Radio we have callers do an elevator pitch to refine their one-minute proposal for funding their business. As entrepreneurs we all need to have our pitch down, rehearsed and fine-tuned – just in case Craig Newmark pops in.

What chance encounters have you had? Were you ready?

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