Hello StartupNation!

My name is Heather Nolte, and I have enjoyed being a small business owner for the past four years.   My company, Glamajama.com , is a lifestyle clothing company that creates glam-studded clothes for women, toddlers, and babies.  Glamajama has been featured on The Today Show, The Early Show, Oprah, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, E! Daily 10, USA Today,Star Magazine, Parents, ePregnancy, and Working Mother to name a few.  Celebrities who have received clothes include Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry (note from Halle) , Jennifer Lopez, Angela Bassett, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani, Lisa Rinna, and Jessica Alba.  The line is currently available in hundreds of boutiques throughout the states and overseas including Nordstrom’s and Barney’s New York. 

 (Watch me on CBS News)

I founded the company in 2003 as a 25 year old first-time mom.  I had always wanted to be a stay-at-home Mom, but deep down I couldn’t let go of the passion I had for business.  Launching Glamajama was an attempt to satisfy both my personal and professional goals and it has led me on a wonderfully fulfilling journey.   Along that journey, I have been blessed with three children that continue to inspire me each and every day.  As a full-time Mom and full-time business owner, I can relate to the work/life struggles Moms face as they seek financial success outside of the home. 

I am very excited about writing for StartupNation and looking forward to meeting my fellow Moms in Business.  Nearly 10.4 million businesses in the United States are women-owned.  Of those 10.4 million women, many of them are juggling the demands of motherhood and striving to achieve that elusive work/life balance.  With 41% of the businesses out there today being women-owned, the world of business is learning to embrace the diversity and innovation that women can bring to the table.  As the numbers of women entrepreneurs rise, business will continue to become increasingly mom-friendly.   Gone are the days of naysayer’s telling women it’s crazy to think you can “have your cake and eat it to.”  I have benefited from these trends and I am thankful for the women before me that have helped pave the way.  Five years since launching, my company is stronger than ever and I have never missed a single moment with my children.  It hasn’t always been easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. 

My goal for this blog is to share tips and advice for starting and growing your business, pass along tales of successful Moms in Business, and to report on technology and innovations that can help you find your work/life balance a little easier.  And finally, I hope to inspire you to live your dream of “having your cake and eating it too”!

Is there something you like to hear more about?  Story to share?  Please leave a comment!

Heather Nolte is the founder and CEO of  www.Glamajama.com.  Glamajama creates glam-studded clothing for children- clothing they can wear “from the crib to the catwalk”.  The company has been featured on The Today Show, The Early Show, Oprah, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, USA Today, Star Magazine, Parents, and Working Mother with celebrity clients including Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Angela Bassett, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani, Lisa Rinna, and Jessica Alba.  Contact her at [email protected].


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